
Thursday, May 3, 2012

some thoughts about college.

I had my last final this evening. My first year at college has come to an end. It is bittersweet- but mostly just sweet (more on that below).

Here are some things that I learned:
- college is hard.
- avoid the vending machines at all costs.
- study seriously
- laugh a lot anyway.
- making college friends is good.
- making friends who will be friends long after the college years is wonderful.
- be polite to everyone you meet
- making a good first impression with professors is as easy as using manners.
- spend your time wisely.
- bring coffee with.
 (it is much cheaper to make at home)

I'm not going to lie - this week has been stressful and less than wonderful on the school front. So I feel as though this can't be as inspirational as it could be - simply because I am not feeling that inspired at the current moment. Don't get me wrong - I love school. I love learning, and the collegiate environment, and I have met some interesting people, and made some fantastic friends. However, the post discussing how wonderful it all was will have to wait for another time.

in the meantime - summer starts now

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