
Sunday, August 10, 2014

I'm still here.

We've had a lot of changes around here, but don't think for one second I forgot about you dear blog friends. I've missed you all. In my time away I've grieved some grief, soaked up some sun, laughed with the littles, and bought a house and dog with my dear husband. You know, just normal summer stuff. Here's a photo recap. I'll be back soon to fill in the blanks. 

^ this is Lincoln. he has stolen all of our heats with his wee wrinkly grin.

^ this is our fist selfie has homeowners.... two minutes of homeownership and grinning like fools.

^ this is our new home.

^ this is a dream come true.  though the picture quality is poor, this photo is everything I've been waiting for. 

Be back soon,