This clock makes me laugh. I need one of these in the house. While I am (almost) never late, this clock fits me. Sometimes it's just nice to be, just to enjoy the time, without worrying about what time it is. This clock reminds me of the weekend we had here. It wasn't so much about being on time, it was more about making the most of the time we had.
But before diving into my weekend festivities I wanted to talk about the name of the blog. So what is with the title of the blog anyway? Well it's kind of complex, but mostly not. When I was pregnant with Christian I would sing this song to my belly. I don't even know why it was this song I chose to sing, but I sang it at least a couple of times a day.While it sounds kind of goofy, it was our bonding time before he was born. Even today, we sing the song before bed- or when he is hurt, or sad, or upset, or just whenever. So when it came time to name the blog, I thought it was fitting not only because it has been an important song in our family story, but also because I am here telling you all what is going on in our lives lately.
On to the weekend
I spent a good part of yesterday and a couple hours today working on my project and, with only a few details left, I am feeling confident. I'm glad that my weekend was as productive as I was planning for it to be. I got the bulk of my project finished, I cleaned the house, I had a date night with hubs, and I spent one-on-one time with each boy. Whew! It was a busy one, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Talking about boys, I took Christian to the campus library with me today and we had a great time. I needed to work on my project, and I wanted to spend some time hanging out with my big guy. He did a fantastic job while we were there! I almost forgot crayons (thanks for saving the day there mom!) but I'm glad I didn't because he colored me some adorable pictures while I worked. It was a great time, one of those that I hope he remembers :) After dinner Christian and Yosi went to watch a soccer game and Nolan and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. It was awesome! He is at that age where everything he sees is the best thing he has ever laid eyes on. I think his favorite was watching a couple of birds play in the neighbor's yard. He could not stop laughing, and neither could I.
The verse for today is from Ephesians and (again and not surprisingly) I really like it.
"Become useful and helpful and kind to one another, tenderhearted (compassionate, understanding, loving hearted), forgiving one another [readily and freely], as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32
It seems that many people these days, myself included, talk to talk. We find whatever it is that sounds good and just go with it. Spitting out all sorts of words and not really thinking about them. It becomes so easy to speak things we don't mean, and equally easy to hold a grudge against another persons harsh words.
Surely I can do better than that. I think this week I'm really going to focus on this verse and apply it to my everyday goings on. I will be sure to tell you how it goes!
Until next time,