
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

injection #1.

just some of my many medications.

As I mentioned last time, being a gestational surrogate (which I am now going to call gestational carrier aka GC) is not an overnight happening. I first spoke with Jack and Jill in April. It is now September and I'm just getting started on the med protocol for a October transfer. During the summer, we met in person, had preliminary appointments, and played hurry up and wait with the insurance company and attorneys.

Now that transfer is really coming up soon, all the fun medicine starts. First, the fertility clinic put me on a birth control pill to be able to control and manipulate my cycle. I've been on that for about a month now, and today I started two more meds.

Dexamethasone is a low dose oral steriod that acts as an anti-inflamatory agent to help the embryo sick to the uterine lining and prevent my body from attacking it as a foreign object.

Lupron is used to decrease my estrogen level and quiet my ovaries to prevent ovulation. This is injected into the skin on my belly.

I was feeling really confident about my first shot. I was excited! I washed my hands, drew up the liquid, swabed down the spot on my tummy where I was going to give the shot. That's when the nerves hit me. It all the sudden felt so real. I was standing there in my bedroom holding a needle to my belly. Ack! I did an unknown number of  '1..2..3..ok wait', before I could actually do it. But in went the needle, and I barely felt the poke at all.
here is a before shot. excuse the bedhead.
So all in all it was successful. I think I'll adjust just fine to doing these everyday for the next couple of weeks.
That's my tiny update for today, I think tomorrow I'll enlighten you with all of the fun associated with psych evals, pokey lawyers.
Until next time,

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